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From the Absaroka Mountains in the distance to the valley floor cut with river channels, this view from Dubois, Wyoming of the Wind River Valley is not only beautiful, but captures the effect of myriad geologic processes over thousands of years. The vibrant red and white layers of the Eocene Wind River Formation have weathered into a badlands topography and the mountains in the distance are made of mid-Eocene Absaroka volcanics from millions of years ago.
Visit senecacreekstudios.com/prints for learn more about our professionally printed and archival quality fine art nature and landscape photography wall prints. Is there a particular size, location, subject, theme, or photograph you are looking for? We have hundreds of photographs in our offline archive. We can design a custom wall print gallery series for you and are here to answer all your questions. Contact us at senecacreekstudios.com/contact and we can send you more information as well as our latest studio magazine, full pricing list, and custom print options. Learn more about the full list of services Seneca Creek Studios has to offer at SenecaCreekStudios.com.