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Historic Union Pacific Trains Big Boy No. 4014 and The Living Legend No. 844 Steam Locomotives Restored at the Laramie Railroad Depot in Downtown Laramie, Wyoming for the Golden Spike 150th Anniversary of the Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad.
Visit senecacreekstudios.com/prints for learn more about our professionally printed and archival quality fine art nature and landscape photography wall prints. Is there a particular size, location, subject, theme, or photograph you are looking for? We have hundreds of photographs in our offline archive. We can design a custom wall print gallery series for you and are here to answer all your questions. Contact us at senecacreekstudios.com/contact and we can send you more information as well as our latest studio magazine, full pricing list, and custom print options. Learn more about the full list of services Seneca Creek Studios has to offer at SenecaCreekStudios.com.